International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2023

Apple is sponsoring the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), which will take place in person from June 4 – 10 in Rhodes Island, Greece. ICASSP is the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s flagship conference on signal processing and its applications. Below is the schedule of Apple sponsored workshops and events at ICASSP 2023.


Tuesday, June 6

Wednesday, June 7

Thursday, June 8

Friday, June 9

Accepted Papers

Audio-to-Intent Using Acoustic-Textual Subword Representations from End-to-End ASR

Pranay Dighe, Prateeth Nayak, Oggi Rudovic, Erik Marchi, Xiaochuan Niu, Ahmed Tewfik

HEiMDaL: Highly Efficient Method for Detection and Localization of wake-words

Arnav Kundu, Mohammad Samragh Razlighi, Minsik Cho, Priyanka Padmanabhan, Devang Naik

I See What You Hear: A Vision-inspired Method to Localize Words

Mohammad Samragh, Arnav Kundu, Ting-Yao Hu, Aman Chadha, Ashish Srivastava, Minsik Cho, Oncel Tuzel, Devang Naik

Improvements to Embedding-Matching Acoustic-to-Word ASR Using Multiple-Hypothesis Pronunciation-Based Embeddings

Hao Yen, Woojay Jeon

Learning to Detect Novel and Fine-Grained Acoustic Sequences Using Pretrained Audio Representations

Vasudha Kowtha, Miquel Espi, Jonathan J Huang, Yichi Zhang, Carlos Avendano

More Speaking or More Speakers?

Dan Berrebbi, Ronan Collobert, Navdeep Jaitly, Tatiana Likhomanenko

Naturalistic Head Motion Generation From Speech

Trisha Mittal, Zakaria Aldeneh, Masha Fedzechkina, Anurag Ranjan, Barry-John Theobald

Neural Transducer Training: Reduced Memory Consumption with Sample-wise Computation

Stefan Braun, Erik McDermott, Roger Hsiao

On the Role of Lip Articulation in Visual Speech Perception

Zakaria Aldeneh, Masha Fedzechkina, Skyler Seto, Katherine Metcalf, Miguel Sarabia, Nicholas Apostoloff, Barry-John Theobald

Pre-trained Model Representations and their Robustness against Noise for Speech Emotion Analysis

Vikramjit Mitra, Vasudha Kowtha, Hsiang-Yun Sherry Chien, Erdrin Azemi, Carlos Avendano

Text is All You Need: Personalizing ASR Models using Controllable Speech Synthesis

Karren Yang, Ting-Yao Hu, Jen-Hao Rick Chang, Hema Swetha Koppula, Oncel Tuzel

Variable Attention Masking for Configurable Transformer Transducer Speech Recognition

Pawel Swietojanski, Stefan Braun, Dogan Can, Thiago Fraga da Silva, Arnab Ghoshal, Takaaki Hori, Roger Hsiao, Henry Mason, Erik McDermott, Honza Silovsky, Ruchir Travadi, Xiaodan Zhuang


Contextual Understanding in Siri

This is a demonstration of the context understanding technology shipped in Siri. Users can refer to an aforementioned entity using anaphora or nominal ellipsis, refer to an entity on screen, or correct a previous error by Siri or the user. Context understanding for Siri leverages several backend ML solutions such as query rewriting and reference resolution. This work is a step towards having more natural conversations with Siri, and was shipped in iOS 16.

All ICASSP attendees are invited to stop by the Apple booth (booth number 16, located next to the Dome Bar main entrance of the Rodos Palace Luxury Convention Resort) to experience this demo in person.


Tatiana Likhomanenko, Arnav Kundu, Stefan Braun, Vikram Mitra, and Pawel Swietojanski are reviewers for ICASSP 2023.

Yannis Stylianou is a Seasonal School & Short Course Chair for ICASSP 2023.

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