AI News Weekly – Issue #342: $1 billion gamble to ensure AI doesn’t destroy humanity – Jul 20th 2023

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In the News

Top 10 AI Tools Cooler Than ChatGPT

For our list of AI tools cooler than ChatGPT, we conducted extensive research and considered various factors such as performance, versatility, innovation, user-friendliness, integration, and industry impact.


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In The News

The $1 billion gamble to ensure AI doesn’t destroy humanity

The founders of Anthropic quit OpenAI to make a safe AI company. It’s easier said than done.

ChatGPT Out-scores Medical Students on Complex Clinical Care Exam Questions

A new study shows AI’s capabilities at analyzing medical text and offering diagnoses — and forces a rethink of medical education.

Tracking recent generative AI news from 9 big tech companies

Analyst Mike Leone breaks down the latest generative AI announcements and products from big tech, spanning conversational AI, developer tools, industry partnerships and more.

Applied use cases

AI love: It's complicated

Movies have hinted at humans falling for their AI chatbots. Now it’s happening in real life, with apps like Replika. But how real is human-to-AI Love?

Ho to use ChatGPT Code Interpreter to extract text from images

In the realm of technology, the ability to extract or copy text from images is a powerful tool. This capability, made possible through Optical Character Recognition (OCR), is now within your grasp,

MLCommons launches a new platform to benchmark AI medical models

With the pandemic acting as an accelerant, the healthcare industry is embracing AI enthusiastically. According to a 2020 survey by Optum, 80{29fe85292aceb8cf4c6c5bf484e3bcf0e26120073821381a5855b08e43d3ac09} of healthcare organizations have an AI strategy in place, while another 15{29fe85292aceb8cf4c6c5bf484e3bcf0e26120073821381a5855b08e43d3ac09} are planning to launch one.


UN warns that implanting unregulated AI chips in your brain could threaten your mental privacy

The United Nations has raised the alarm about “potentially harmful” advances in neurotechnology, suggesting that brain implants and scans could allow artificial intelligence to infringe on private, human thoughts, according to Agence France-Presse.

AI and Big Data: How AI Is Transforming the Business Landscape

In today’s business world, artificial intelligence is a disruptive technology that promises to transform the business landscape, bringing together computer technology and big data to drive powerful tech tools that simulate human intelligence.

Is AI advancing too quickly? What AI leaders at Google say

Scott Pelley with Google CEO Sundar Pichai 60 Minutes Our conversations with 50-year-old Sundar Pichai started at Google’s new campus in Mountain View, California.
We were introduced to Bard by Google Vice President Sissie Hsiao and Senior Vice President James Manyika.


Intel Capital backs Figure’s Humanoid robot to the tune of $9 million

Intel’s capital infusion follows a $70 million raise that Figure disclosed in May. That round included the participation of several institutional investors as well as the startup’s founder and Chief Executive Officer Brett Adcock.

Robot Dogs Can Now Talk Because Scientists Have Put ChatGPT In Them

As if robot dogs weren’t borderline disturbing enough when set loose in the wild, now someone has thought it was a good idea to supply one of the Boston Dynamics prototypes with ChatGPT.

Realistic Robot Awkwardly Dodges Question When Asked If It Will Rebel Against Humans

At what is being billed as the world’s first human-robot press conference in Geneva, Switzerland, Reuters reports, nine humanoid robots were asked a series of questions by human journalists.


A Novel Type of Neural Network Comes to the Aid of Big Physics

The machine learning tool is helping physicists with the daunting challenge of analyzing large but nearly empty data sets, like those from neutrino detectors or particle colliders.

Development of a neural network model to predict the presence of fentanyl in community drug samples

The objective of this study was to develop a neural network model to identify fentanyl and related analogues more accurately in drug samples compared to traditional analysis by technicians.

Scientists Develop Automated Machine Learning System for Biology Research

By automating the process of generating AI models, this innovative system empowers scientists and engineers to leverage machine learning for their research.


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